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Removable dentures

Removable dentures are a method of replacing missing teeth with a structure consisting of a removable jaw frame, on top of which are false teeth.

This method can be used for cases where 1 tooth is missing, many teeth or all teeth are lost. The removable denture method is often used for elderly subjects, whose health is not good to implant dental implants or make porcelain bridges.

Making removable dentures is the cheapest method of replacing missing teeth today, from only $ 15, much lower than Implant and porcelain bridge. Therefore, any object has enough financial capacity to implement this option.


Removable dentures are a traditional method of restoring lost teeth, consisting of a removable jaw frame and dentures on top. There are usually two types: removable dentures on a plastic base and removable dentures on a metal frame.

Economical removable dentures

Apply to cases of tooth loss:

  • Losing 1 tooth, 3 teeth or more
  • Loss of many teeth in the elderly
  • Loss of all teeth.

Target audience: Elderly, unstable health cannot restore Implant or porcelain bridge.

How much does a removable denture cost?

Among the solutions to restore lost teeth, removable dentures have the cheapest cost, anyone can afford to perform this method.

The cost of removable teeth will depend on the number of missing teeth and the type of removable denture frame selected for restoration. The price list of removable teeth listed at the dentist is as follows:

Bone teeth (Resine)
13$/ Teeth
Composite teeth
21$/ Teeth
Frame function
85$/ 1 set of teeth
Separate teeth
Plastic jaws
149$/ 1 set of teeth
Separate teeth
Link function
340$ – 426$/1 set of teeth
Separate teeth

Depending on the need to use removable dentures, the cost will vary. Choose a reputable dentist to perform at a good cost, achieving the desired restoration results.

The process of performing removable dentures at Dong Nam Dental

The standard process of making removable dentures at Dong Nam Dental Clinic includes 4 steps as follows:

+ Step 1: General dental examination, check X-ray film

The doctor will first take X-rays, examine the patient’s general oral health, in case the patient has dental diseases, they will be treated definitively.

Besides, the doctor will advise on the advantages and disadvantages as well as the cost of each type of denture so that you can choose the most suitable one for you.

+ Step 2: Take the jaw impression to make dentures

The doctor will clean the teeth first, then take impressions of the teeth, collect necessary parameters such as tooth color, tooth size, jaw impressions, etc., and send them to the fabrication specialists in the Labo room to make removable dentures. fitted to the patient.

Removable denture

Step 3: Install dentures

Placing dentures is the final step when restoring removable dentures. The doctor will carefully calibrate the two jaws to properly bite. If there is a lump, the need will also be edited at this step.

Step 4: Instructions for wearing dentures

The final step is to put on the denture and have it tested for compatibility, after which you will be instructed on how to best use and clean it during daily use.

*Notes when using removable dentures

  • Teeth should be cleaned at least twice a day.
  • Combine denture hygiene with thorough oral hygiene.
  • The jaw should be removed at bedtime and soaked in a dilute salt solution or vinegar.
  • Avoid exposing the denture to strong impact and falling.

Pay attention to your diet, do not eat foods that are too tough and easy to affect the jaw.

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